The Center for Popular Democracy — alongside Hester Street, Make the Road, and other community organizing partners — released a new report and data brief that details the results of community impact surveys conducted with over 900 primarily Latinx immigrants throughout 2020, including nearly 400 undocumented community members. With vivid graphics, stark research, and timely data, the report uncovers the plight of the people most impacted by the pandemic yet excluded from the federal and state relief they urgently need.

The report was released on February 25th to coincide with the Real People Real Relief day of action, where hundreds of people in five states from across the Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPDA) network held a national day of action to demand COVID-19 relief. Activists urged Congress and the Biden administration to use their power to urgently pass legislation and take executive action that will support our most in-need communities. In cities across the country, hundreds of people attended virtual and in-person rallies accompanied by marching bands, including a march and rally to Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Impacted people, COVID survivors, and essential workers shared their stories for COVID relief and called for urgent assistance in healthcare, housing, citizenship rights, unemployment, and stimulus payments.

Download the data brief here and view it below.


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