
In 2017 HST partnered with the Queens Community House (QCH) to provide real estate and community development technical assistance for a capital expansion to the QCH services hub. QCH was considering three options for expansion, including renovation of their existing community center and partnership with Phipps Houses to build an additional facility, renovation and expansion of the existing community center, and demolition of the existing community center and partnership with Phipps to build an additional facility.

Hester Street conducted a feasibility analysis of the three options, including study of: zoning, historic preservation, design, constructability, cost comparisons and timeline. We produced budgets, massing diagrams and a design brief. We also evaluated major structural systems, performed structural and geotechnical assessments and conducted research and observations of historic operations and maintenance plans. And, we conducted a capital needs assessment for City capital funding and produced cost estimates for immediate and long-term repair and replacement needs over 1 and 10 years.

QCH will pursue the renovation + property acquisition option and in 2019 we will support their application for New York City capital funds. The Queens Community House expansion will provide additional vital programming to the surrounding Forest Hills community and will better support existing QCH staff and members by creating more functional spaces to promote individual work, small and large group gatherings, collaboration and organization.